Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ainsley's first year progression

Ainsley Jane Thorne
7lbs 13oz 201/2 inches
Born February 26th 2013
She had high Billy Rubin so she
was under the lights for a few 
days. The poor little one 
also broke her Collar bone. So
we take extra caution while 
dressing her. There was some 
difficulty with Breastfeeding,
 I had an internal duct yeast
 infection and she had some
 nipple confusion.
Awake more often and giving us some
really cute smiles. She has quite the little
temper when she wants something
and gets really mad and screams like she
has been hurt. After some hard work
we got the breast feeding down.
She slept 6 hrs for us at 4 weeks or
so and it was soo very nice!  Aunt
Kenzie, aunt Lauren  and cousins came for a visit,
and they loved on her. We sure do love her!
She has gained her birth weight and then some,
now weighing 8lbs and 13oz. I believe.

Here we are 2 months!
Growing so big and so fast, can we slow
time down just a bit! She now weighs
10lbs 14 ounces 46% for her age
and 22.88 inches 75% for her age.
Head circumference is 52% for her age/
This is girl is going to be tall and
skinny like her sisters. Her features
are becoming more prominent and
she is beginning to look more and
more beautiful everyday!!
Talking more and more and smiling
more. She is noticing more of her
surroundings and slightly batting
at her toys. Kicks a ton, but not a big
fan of being on her belly. She has an
adorable personality, but give this girl
what she wants fast or she'll scream
like nothing else. Lucky for
me she just loves me and calming
her comes easy. She was sleeping through
the night for a little bit, but not anymore.
Pretty consistent with the 3hr
schedule. Looking forward to what the
next month brings!!
3 months old and just looking adorable as can
be! This little angel brings so much joy to our lives,
all of the kids are so madly in love with her and are
always wanting to love on her, especially Grant. She is
definitely what our family needed at this point in our
lives. Well so far this month she has rolled over! And
everyday she is making more and more eye contact.
She is starting to giggle a little but we haven't quite
got her to laugh.  She loves her bed, and she could
sit and talk to her mobile for a really long time in
baby time. She is now regularly sleeping all night
at least 8hrs sometimes 10!! Whooo hooo
She has grown out of her screaming fits
after bath, and we can now finally enjoy every bit
of bath time, however she still isn't quite sure if she
likes to be rubbed down with lotion.  We finally just
blessed her, and it was a beautiful day with lots of
loved ones to participate.  Loving every minute of
this time!

4 months now!! Getting so big! Now
rolling over from back to front and
front to back. Becoming quite the
Houdini escaping from her swaddles
which she ends up waking up from hitting
herself or confusing her fists with
something else. Moved her up to size 2
diapers! She is still the serious baby she's
been. Having a bit of a struggle trying
to get her to laugh, however she is a
good talker, she can babble for forever!
Daddy left for Afghanistan this month,
She likes to watch him on skype. She
has discovered her binky and loves to
play with it. Her favorite time of the day
is bath time, she loves it!! Eating about
4 oz a bottle....roughly I'm still breast


5 months old
6 months

7 months

Sydney's carnival party

My baby is now 5! Where has the time gone?! I can't believe it has been 5 yrs already. Sydney has so many wonderful qualities about her, it's hard to name them all. But just to name a few, she is very giving. For example for her birthday she gave away all her bracelets except one to everyone of her cousins and brother and sister.  She is very smart, sympathetic, kind, loving, expressive, and sweet!
We can't enough of her.  Some of her favorite things, are the color blue, she really loves that color, she can't get enough quesadilla's, cereal, and especially candy!! She will sit at the dinner table a half hour after everyone has eaten because she will not eat her food. She is quite the determined, stubborn, strong willed little munchkin I know.  She loves her brother and sister so much, and tries to be exactly like them....but than at the same time she can be a little tease. Blake and I find it amusing how she can make the older kids should be the other way around. When ever we go on vacation or in a crowd of people, we've always had people stop and tell us how adorable she is or just take a picture of her. She loves to be read to, loves to help out in the kitchen ALL the time. She likes to fight Olivia and Grant about who gets to do something for Mom or Dad. She is a very popular little girl who never has any problems getting friends because she is so chill and fun! There aren't enough words that I could use to express how much we love this little cutie pie!! We are so grateful she is ours! Now I want to go hug her!! :)
Here are the photos from her fabulous Carnival party! FAB party for a FAB girl!!!

Sydney welcoming her guests to her party by handing them tickets for the carnival

Carnival games

The photo booth

Lauren Danny and Navaeh

Cotton Candy anyone?!!! YUMMMY

Kris and Lauren

Getting her face painted

Olivia and Serenity

Waiting for the clown, they didn't know who was coming! Fun surprise!

Sydney and Bubbles!

Ainsley enjoyed the show too!

Grant was the magic trick....a rabbit pulled out of the hat!

I am proud of the cake I made!!!

Grant and Teagan
