Friday, July 29, 2011

My baby is 3!

We had Sydney's birthday right after we got back from Germany. Blake's mom was nice and had a few of her friends get together and we had a little party for her. So it looked like we have a lot of friends that came! The kids had a lot of fun running around playing with each other. I had a lot of fun putting some decorations together. I look forward to my kids having birthday's so I can throw them a well deserved/fun party!

I can not believe how fast time has gone. It seems not too long ago I was holding this little ball of energy. She is so fun and cute. Wherever we go she has an audience, from her cuteness to her hilarious personality. Love love love this girl!

Just a few pictures of her party, that I thought was adorable!!

She just woke up, and got to eat some delicious pancakes for her birthday breakfast! yum yum!

Isn't she adorable!!!

She got a pretty nice 4th of July show on the night we celebrated her birthday! It was the perfect end to a perfect day!!

4th of July was the next day, and we went over to some friends house to celebrate! The kids had fun! The Utah valley puts on a wonderful FREE show! We loved it!
